Kathy Bazoian Phelps
Senior Counsel in Ponzi Scheme Litigation
and Bankruptcy Matters

Kathy is a senior business trial attorney with more than 30 years experience prosecuting and defending claims for high net worth clients involved in Ponzi scheme matters and in bankruptcy proceedings. Kathy’s practice includes recovering assets for clients in complex fraud cases under standard fee and alternative fee arrangements. She also handles SEC and CFTC whistleblower claims. Kathy also serves as a mediator in bankruptcy matters, in complex business disputes, and in matters requiring detailed knowledge about fraud or Ponzi schemes.

Kathy’s Clients in Ponzi Scheme Cases and Bankruptcy Matters
Equity Receivers
Bankruptcy Trustees
High Net Worth Investors
Debtors in Bankruptcy
Secured and Unsecured Creditors

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Podcast on Bank Liability in Ponzi Schemes

Posted by Kathy Bazoian Phelps

To hear about issues relating to the liability of banks in Ponzi scheme cases, listen to my podcast - “Bankers That Bank Fraudsters Could Face Costly Liability to Victims” - presented by the Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists, available here.  Banks have faced substantial claims in many Ponzi cases, including the Rothstein and Madoff cases, and were held liable in some actions but not in others. The podcast also includes discussion of some of the things that banks can and should be doing to protect themselves against potential liability in these cases.   

 Issues relating to bank liability in Ponzi cases and the many contexts in which such claims can arise are discussed in The Ponzi Book: A Legal Resource for Unraveling Ponzi Schemes by Kathy Bazoian Phelps and Hon. Steven Rhodes.


  1. The link to the podcast does not seem to work.. Is there a better link? Thanks

  2. The link to the podcast has been repaired! Thanks, Ron.
